Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The clocks go forwards ..............

Hi everyone
Well summer is officially here ! The clocks changed last weekend …… so just thought I would let you know we are now exactly 12hrs ahead of the UK, 20hrs ahead of Los Angeles and Vancouver …. And a good old 3hrs ahead of Sydney ……now all we need is the weather to go with it - although to be fair we have a good week….

So, a bit of a milestone is fast approaching , no not my birthday - it’s 2 more months and we will have been here 4 years - must have a bit of celebration - especially when you consider that when we embarked on the this little adventure Deb and I made a commitment to 2 years irrespective of the ups and downs that might come up…. Not sure where all the time has gone - The fact we have 2 pommies and now 2 kiwis in the family probably explains some of the blur …..

What’s in the news down here you mayask ? Well if you cast aside all the column inches dedicated to the financial mess in the US the main thing here is the General election coming up - on Nov 8th . Going to be a tricky one I think. On one level you have a nation feeling that we need change , on the other hand you have a national party (read conservative) in the last few weeks that have dropped some real gaffs that suggest you just can’t trust a word they say behind the glossy billboard advertising. ..... The only other option worth considering is the Greens - which given that we will more than likely have a coalition govt wouldn’t be a wasted vote; they have about 6% of the vote in NZ which is significant enough to influence some policies ….. Their campaign certainly says it all (see below). Couldn’t imagine Gordon Brown or the Mr Cameron with such slogans ….. Quite refreshing …….

Not sure If I told you but I am in training at the moment for the Auckland Ocean Swim. There is a series that runs around the country through the summer months - so I signed up for the 1st one on Nov 16th - its 2.8km across the harbour which works out at about the equivalent of 112 lengths of a 25M pool …. Should be interesting as I reckon I’m a half decent swimmer but I have certainly never swum this far …. - had one nervous moment when I realised I had entered a time of 1hr 15 mins to complete the swim , and then realised I didn‘t have the faintest idea as to how long it would really take me. I'm glad to report that I should make it.
Last thing I wanted was to be the bloke that was pulled out of the water by the rescue boat and televised on the TV3 news !!! - have to confess it took a bit of persuading Deb , she was convinced I was going end up as shark food or like one of the seals that those killer whales “play” with on those David Attenborough docos (Orcas are relatively common in these parts) ….finally mangled to persuade her it was ok and my life insurance covered it ! …last fatal attack was 1920 anyway !!

Reece has just started school holidays this weekend so its day trips for the next 2 weeks - top of the list so we have just been told is 1) The Farm 2) The Zoo to see the baby tigers with Sian 3)The jungle (read the bush) to hunt for dinosaurs …..

Speaking of the Bush ….News today is that where we live “the Waitakeres’, has achieved national heritage status which is another way of saying that extra policies are now in place to protect the natural area that we live in - limiting roads and new housing projects that damage the natural bush - doesn’t sound much I know but this campaign has been running a number of years so to get this status will no doubt have some people dancing in the streets (sorry leafy forest footpaths !)

Anyway …that about does it for this instalment …. take care everyone …… let us know what your upto …..:)

Before I go though this little update wouldn’t be complete with our mention of Liverpool and the fact the are joint top of the league - staying up late at the weekend to watch Torres put Everton out their misery was a joy to watch …after me everyone Torres Torres Torres !!!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

A Day off at last..............................

Hi everyone

I finally managed to take a day off from work recently (was planning on a ski break but the windy weather conspired against me).... not to worry though the alternative gave me an opportuntity to get the camera out and head out to the west coast about 25-30mins from Auckland....so backpack & boots and a 4 hr walk later ....

I thought you might be interested in some of the photos I took - all around Piha beach and into the bush of the Waitakeres....

Hope you you like em :) P

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Spring is on its way ...maybe

Hi everyone

Another little note from down under that hopefully finds you all well, just as the kiwis (and pommies) are looking forward to spring .........
been a while since we have let you know how the little un's are doing , so what better way to start..... Reece is cracking along at school .... had our second parents evening the other week and all seems like he's doing well. Reading is really improving which gives dad a rest as now Reece can read me stories after 5 years of the other way around!. Wait a sec ...... Reece is sat next to me and asked me if he could share his favourites with you :)

Favourite Team - Liverpool. (Reece did ask me who Man Utd was so I felt I had to introduce him to the concepts of what's right and what really is just plain wrong :))
Favourite Colour : Red
Favourite Band : U2
Favourite Animal: Lion
Favorite TV Prog: Ben10

Latest thing he is picking up at school is Maori - impresses me and Deb , as all we know is Kiora and Harea Mae.....little clip enclosed.

Sian has just started to go to Kindy a few days a week so a big event really .... she appears to be enjoying things so far.In the next few months it will be more of a full time thing .... have included a few piccies taken the last week or so .... glad to report both of them are getting on really well and compliment each other - even defend each other when one of them has been upto no good :)!

Anyway was just a short one - ta ta for now
